House system

A system of three Houses operates in the school:

  • Campion (Yellow)
  • Loyola (Red)
  • Xavier (Green)

Siblings are kept together in the same House. Pupils have Inter-House matches, competitions and meetings and soon identify, often very strongly, with their House and the sense of belonging which it brings. Each House has a House Leader (who is a member of staff) and all other staff have a particular allegiance to one House or another. There are regular House Assemblies to give notice of, or prepare for, competitions and generally to motivate the members of each House to gain more House Points.

House Prayers

Loyola House Prayer

St. Ignatius Loyola, you spent your life:

- learning to imitate Our Lord;

- teaching others how to work for the greater glory of God.

Obtain for us members of Loyola House the grace,

- to see how we can imitate Jesus in our daily lives:

- to understand how to put into practice the A.M.D.G. which

We write at the beginning of all our work.

Xavier House Prayer

St Francis Xavier, you obeyed God’s call

to travel to far-off lands to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ:

Pray for us in Xavier House that we may learn something of

your longing to lead others to believe in one true God and his

Son, Jesus Christ.

Campion House Prayer

St Edmund Campion, you were a London schoolboy

a school teacher and a Jesuit priest;

Pray for us that we may be strong in our faith

loyal to Jesus Christ and ready to put up

With difficulties as we try to serve him.

House Points

House Points (called ‘Coupons’ at Donhead) are awarded for good performance and effort in all areas of School life. At the end of term all Coupons are counted and the winning House is given a House Tea.

In addition, Inter-House sport competitions are held in Rugby, Football, Cross-Country, Cricket and Athletics. An annual Inter-House Music Competition is held each March and House Sports Day is held each June. There are also House Competitions in General Knowledge and Chess held each year.