At Donhead we strongly believe in school/parent cooperation. Informing parents of their child's progress encourages that relationship. We also encourage parents to contact the school if they have concerns about any aspect of their child’s work. To report to parents, the school has a range of strategies that includes parents’ meetings, written reports and informal contacts as required.
Formal School Reports
Detailed written school reports are issued at the end of the Trinity Term (in July).
Grade cards are issued each Half Term in the Michaelmas and Lent Terms. Half Term is an effort grade and End of Term is both effort and attainment.
Parents' Evenings
Verbal reporting to parents, in the form of Parents’ Evenings, are organised twice a year, in the Michaelmas and Lent Terms. These are detailed in the termly calendar and reminders are sent to parents in the weeks preceding each meeting.
In the Pre-Prep Department (Reception to PP2), Parents’ Evenings are held with the Form Teachers in their classrooms.
In the Prep School (LP1 to Elements), Parents’ Evening are held with all members of staff who teach their child in the Gym.
Curriculum Sessions are held for Reception, PP1 and LP1 parents in the September of each year. This information is given as their children will be entering a new Key Stage of their education.
Additional Appointments
Longer appointments are possible at any time and parents are urged to contact the school if they have concerns with their child’s progress in any area of the curriculum. Appointments can be made directly with the teacher via email.
Appointments with the Headteacher should be made through the Headmaster’s PA at
Homework Diaries
A Homework Diary is issued to all pupils and subject teachers ensure that pupils record in it all the homework set. The homework diary must be signed by the parent each week. The diary is checked by the form teacher daily and used as an effective channel of communication between home and school via the form teacher.