Once children move to the Prep School, the school day changes slightly, in terms of length and organisation, to reflect the curriculum and the new opportunities available to the pupils.

Whole school assembly is on Monday morning and a Prep School assembly on Wednesday morning. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays Form Period takes place prior to lesson 1.

Lesson 1 and lesson 2 are an hour long and finish at 11.10am when children have morning break. Lesson 3 begins at 11.30am and finishes at 12.30pm for lunch.

During the lunch time, children can take part in a variety of clubs and activities.

Afternoon registration is at 1.30pm.

The remainder of the afternoon is lesson 4 and lesson 5, which are 1 hour classes. On Friday, however, there is a shortened day with only one lesson taught after lunch.

The afternoon Form Period includes time to complete Examen; a time for prayer and reflection at the end of each day. children are dismissed from school at 3.45pm by their form teacher. On Fridays, school ends earlier at 3pm.

After school provision is varied and children can remain at school to attend an extracurricular activity, Homework Class or our After School Club.